Tommy Raskin in Cheating Students (2013) asserts that our schools fail the humanistic vision of education. Tommy supports this assertion by reviewing the 2010 study conducted by Josephson Institute of Ethics that found 59 percent of high school students had cheated on a test in the past year, and over 33 percent had cheated more than twice. Not only does Tommy point out the problem of students cheating, and the pressure that is put on the students to memorize in order to succeed, but he asserts the problem that schools have turned what should be a shared learning endeavor into a ruthless competition. The article “Creative…motivated’ and fired”, found on page 24, where a fifth grade teacher was dismissed because of the highly unusual number of wrong answers that were corrected, is a perfect example of this competition that has become a crisis. The writer concludes that cheating has brought the economy to near ruins, and that the nature of schooling must be altered to make true learning the number one priority. The writer establishes a direct tone to convince his audience of educators that it is vital for humanists to play a leading role in reforming competition based grading that takes the joy out of learning, because it is humanistic values that are at stake in the cheating crisis.…
According to the essay “Too Much Pressure” by Colleen Wenke, the reason that students cheat on their tests is because they are under too much pressure to get good grades, which is accurately portrayed since cheating is usually seen as one of the only ways to pass tests and that’s what students are being stressed to do. Based on her essay, teachers should be teaching students right from wrong as opposed to pressuring to the extent of making them cheat. This is important to see because it is a way to solve a worldwide problem that can possibly, greatly affect the future. Wenke structures her essay in a way which we are in the perspective of a student, then documenting the process she went through, explaining more as she continues. Wenke uses devices such as premises and anecdotes to support her judgment.…
However, this provoking behavior results in schools’ fight back as it’s illustrated in the documentary that teachers use high techs to catch cheaters, that schools set tests to examine students’ academic integrity, and that harsh punishment would be given to cheaters with it showing the detecting tools and demonstrating examples of a girl who got accused of plagiarism because of strict rules of citing failing the exam for an unintentional mistake and of a boy who cheated getting a spot in his record with him…
Rettinger, D., Jordan, A., & Peschiera, F. (2004). Evaluating the Motivation of Other Students to Cheat: A Vignette Experiment. Research in Higher Education,45, 873-890.…
Miller, Arden, Carol Shoptaugh, and Jessica Wooldridge. "Reasons Not to Cheat, Academic-Integrity Responsibility, and Frequency of Cheating." Journal of Experimental Education 79.2 (2011): 169-84. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.…
Mccabe, D. L., Butterfield, K. D. & Trevino, L. K. (2012). Cheating in college: Why students do…
Cheating most occur in students who lack an effort in studying. Most students have adapted to cheating. Some students see cheating as good grades with less work involved. Cheating is seen as taking the easy way out and not working hard. Without others to depend on, cheaters will have no hope on passing a class. A student may get a good grade, but they gain nothing form cheating. On the other hand, there are students that deceive some cheaters. For example, a student may give a cheater the wrong answers on a test on purpose. By putting their grade in another student’s hands, that student can do whatever they want with the cheater’s grade. In addition, that person can decide whether to actually help the cheater or not. That is why it is best for a student to do their own work and obtain their own knowledge. If a student never gains any knowledge, he or she will never succeed in life.…
As we all know, at some point in their lives most students resort to the method of cheating on a test. Nowadays, the demand for educated labor is higher and higher, there are fewer workers who can fulfill this requirement. This problem may originate from the students' ability to cheat on exams. As a result; the students sometimes view cheating as a necessary method to pass a test. There are three main reasons of why most of the students cheat on a test; the first reason is to do as perfect as they can on the test, another one is that students cheat when they lack confidence with their ability, and the most important one is to have good grades.…
Kibler, William L.; Kiblerin, Pamela Vannoy. When Students Resort to Cheating. Retrieved 26 October, 2005 from…
While students study in Vancouver Island University, (VIU) they make an effort on their studies and want to be successful on their education. Some students infringe the rules of university by using a wrong method of learning. Just like Bjrklund and Grand mentioned in their work, cheating has been a problem for many years during the academic preparation. Sometimes parents have high expectations on their children and they will expect high grades on their child’s transcript. This will cause a lot of pressure on children, so they refuse to fail and will do everything as possible for approve, no matter if this implicates cheating. Other times students don’t have the right knowledge, so they paraphrase in the wrong way. These behaviors are reflected along the academic preparation from elementary grades through college and subsequently in life; as stated by Harvard University in the article published by Time, “Students have cheated for as long as there have been schools” (Time, 2012, Web). Nevertheless, what is the real definition of cheating? It is difficult to give a specific meaning for cheating; however, studies found that the two most common factors for academic dishonesty are peer pressure and high parental expectations.…
Today's young generation has been getting a lot of slack from older generations due to the amount technology they have. Those who have negative things to say about this generation sometimes say that they're not as smart as the previous generations because of the new technology that is available. Literary critic at the San Francisco Chronicle, Cynthia Haven, argues that the young generation of today has actually written more than any other generation and they insert more passion into what they’re writing about as well. Haven’s purpose in writing about this seems to be to show how much this generation does write compared to what others have said in articles and research papers. While talking about the impact that the young generation of today has on society, Haven seems to have a respectful tone for what they’re doing, as a young generation, in their writings in order to make her audience feel as though they should respect this generation’s work as well.…
No one disagrees that the cheating is bad habit even the cheater will admit that. The students inherit that bad habit among them. The students can cheat in university, school, or any other places. The teachers should observe the students during the tests, and there should be a strict punishment for cheater to stop this bad habit. I think the main three reasons for cheating in schools or universities are most students don't have enough time, the students want to get high grade, and it is very easy for them to cheat.…
Cheating is a phenomenon most people abhor yet profess to have committed at one time or another under adverse conditions. Thus, there is increasing interest to comprehend this academic dilemma that affects every institution.…
Cheating refers to an immoral way of achieving a goal. To illustrate, it is generally known as breaking of rules in school to gain high mark in a competitive situation. It can take various of forms: from sharing another's work to purchasing a term paper or test questions in advance, to paying another to take a test or do the work for them and so on. Cheating is seen by many as a means to a profitable end, a way to obtain the highest grades in order to gain admission to the best universities. Students who do not cheat are not only get disadvantages, but also can be viewed as fools for not playing the system, a system that has grown with lack of suitable punishments. This system continues to place more and more emphasis on getting the grade by any means possible. The benefits of self-studying are no longer seen as a goal or focus. It is so dangerous with this situation for young people and all…
Today in our modern society cheating in school is growing at a rapid rate, but who is to blame, is it the school system is it students or is it the teachers. I strongly believe that it is not only the student’s fault but the school systems as well.…