Make America Great Again, Hillary for America, and A Future to Believe In, but what do these campaign slogans mean? Are they supposed to have a fixed meaning at all? Over the years as the political process has evolved politics have also become a key platform for narrative creation. Consequently, that creation of narratives may also be problematic because these campaign slogans and or sound bites, which will be discussed further into this series. The truthis that a text does not have a fixed meaning, as much as rhetorical critics would attempt to argue ideology is no longer a set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political party as the Merriam Webster dictionary suggest. Additionally, that definition has changed quite dramatically to mean the interpretation of ideals and beliefs of a group or political party key word there being ‘Interpretation.’And campaign managers know that and use that to their advantage. “Make America Great Again,” it purposely is open ended so that ideological narrative creation can take place. What does it mean? That’s just it, it could mean any amount of things to Trumps supporters, and however, the problem is that the rhetorical significance of these monikers is much less important than the idea of a great America. Politicians use these types of persuasive tactics by using an authority figures ethos or popularity and ability to speak.…