Though Riordan Manufacturing has seen success since beginning operations, there are still important improvements needed. This analysis is written to identify necessary changes needed to make Riordan Manufacturing a more efficient operating company.…
References: University of Phoenix. (n.d.). Riordan Manufacturing. Employee Site. Univerysity of Phoenix course materials. Retrieved from:…
In order for a company to stay competitive a company must stay current with changing business systems and technologies. The following assessment is being done in order to find which systems and technologies, if any, need to be updated or changed. This will help the Riordan Company continue the long standing commitment to excellence that the company is known for.…
It has been decided that Riordan Manufacturing will implement an official customer management system. This system will be used by everyone in the organization. The main goal of the team is to help with the planning and implementation of the new system in order for a smooth transition.…
References: Apollo Group. (2005, 2006, 2012, 2013). Riordan Manufacturing Intranet Portal Site. Retrieved from: Virtual Organization Portal…
In plastics mechanized marketplace, Riordan Manufacturing is a universal head. The company has services in Albany, Georgia, Pontiac, Michigan, Hangzhou, China and San José, California. $46 billion are the roughly annual income of Riordan’s project. In 1992, the company starts actions with the company’s prime purposeful Human Resources Information System. The present scheme is component of the economic schemes parcel that follows the worker information. Latest examination of the existing HRIS has offered verification as demonstrating the scheme requirements promotion to assemble Riordan’s mounting desires. Riordan made preparations to inform the existing HRIS scheme with a further complicated HR scheme to stay as practicable. To integrate numerous utensils into a solitary included appliance, the exploit of the modern technology will be applied.…
The human resource department has gathered information through the analysis phase and the design phase. Here we will focus on the implementation phase. The implementation phase has six key activities which are critical when executing this phase. The six activities are coding, testing, installation, documentation, training and support. These factors can get quite complex and confusing if the plan is not implemented correctly. Riordan Manufacturing has chosen to follow through with this system to improve its functions and to keep certain employee information confidential.…
The purpose of this paper is to assess Riordan Manufacturing 's present dilemmas and offer suggestions that may bring positive conclusions to impending quandaries. This paper will evaluate Riordan 's situation, existing opportunities and challenges and conclude with pivotal suggestions that will produce positive outcomes. In addition, via end-state goals, concepts are provided in which Riordan Manufacturing may improve organizational human resource practices that will give Riordan a sustained competitive advantage.…
Hugh McCauley, the Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing, has placed a service request, SR-rm-022 to integrate all existing Human Resources tools into a single integrated application across all plant locations. The business would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art, information systems technology to replace their current Human Resources Information System or HRIS (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.)…
Riordan maintains an innovative and team oriented working environment. By assuring their employees are well informed and properly supported, they also provide a climate focused on the long term viability of our company. Riordan’s Chief Operations Officer, Hugh McCauley, wants to integrate an existing variety of tools in use into a single integrated application. The business wants to take advantage of the more sophisticated state-of-the art information systems technology that already exists in the human resources department (Apollo Group Inc., 2011).…
Riordan Manufacturing wants to improve innovation and sustainability of business operations both in the United States and in the global market. An executive team at Riordan researched other companies including Nike to decide on the most effective competitive strategies to employ for attaining this goal. Below is a report of the findings that include which competitive advantages Riordan has in common with Nike. Based on the commonality between the companies is a recommendation of which competitive strategies will allow Riordan to move forward. The team explains why these competitive strategies were selected and estimate how they might affect sustainability of long-term organizational performance. Finally the team explains how the global market affects the business strategy of Riordan (University of Phoenix, 2013).…
Warren Buffet once said, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” With a company that has over five hundred employees, four locations worldwide, and $50 million in annual sales, placing the value on the organization is simple; look at the bottom line and see the profit. This is the situation at Riordan Manufacturing where the price it paid to do business was less than what it made, defining a clear value in what Riordan provides. Riordan’s Sales and Marketing department has a clear value; $50 million is sales to show of it. But how do we show the value for other departments within the organization such as Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) solutions? While the IS and IT costs and what Riordan pays for it are clear from looking at the financials, the value is not. This brings us to the question of what value does Riordan Manufacturing get out of its IS services and IT department.…
Here Riordan Manufactoring, we thrive for excellence thru diversity, equal rights, and upholding our mission to provide the ultimate team oriented enviroment ideallly possible amongst well trained and mature porfessionals. Inorder, to providethe best results and ensure that all the adquate measures of success has been implied durning the employee recruitment process my colleagues and I have developed the following redcruitment and skill evaluation procedures below. We will organize and develope four teams in the areas of Shipping/Receiving, Product Assembly, Inventory, Quality Check, and Management. We will utilize current and newly hired employees to orchestrate the availble positions on the teams. Current employees of displayed exceptional performance will most likely secure roles of leadership and training responsibilities in their individual respective departments. This will give current employees the opportunity to achieve growth within the company, in which will enhance loyalty and production profiency. Allowing previous trained and seasoned workers prep and prepare newly hired workers will save the company tremendously when it comes to capital utilized for training newly hired employees. The recruitment process will be very exstensive serving as a filtering process for the most qualified canidates regardless of their nationality. All employees new and veterans will be administered personality and apptitude test. This will give us an insight on each individual strenghts, weaknesses, mentality, and interest. We will build teams according to these results with a special focus of not placing predominately like minded individuals together. Our aim is to increase constructive compromise thru teamship and optimism. We want to eliminate anti-social and unisocial comfort zones in order to establish omnisocial interaction amongst the entire workforce.…
Strategic managers have responsibility to both the employees and stakeholders of the organization. Engaging in strategic management decisions should include ethics and social responsibilities. The expectation of such responsibilities from stakeholders is to fulfill legal and ethical economic decisions.…
Cost of labor is lower in other regions of the World. Lower costs of labor means smaller organizations that cannot afford a customer server center can outsource the task to an overseas organization that specializes in the task. However, the organization needs to perform extensive research on the vendor who will be receiving the transfer of work.”…