James Whitten
July 3,2013
Riordan Manufacturing
Team Strategy Plan
Here Riordan Manufactoring, we thrive for excellence thru diversity, equal rights, and upholding our mission to provide the ultimate team oriented enviroment ideallly possible amongst well trained and mature porfessionals. Inorder, to providethe best results and ensure that all the adquate measures of success has been implied durning the employee recruitment process my colleagues and I have developed the following redcruitment and skill evaluation procedures below. We will organize and develope four teams in the areas of Shipping/Receiving, Product Assembly, Inventory, Quality Check, and Management. We will utilize current and newly hired employees to orchestrate the availble positions on the teams. Current employees of displayed exceptional performance will most likely secure roles of leadership and training responsibilities in their individual respective departments. This will give current employees the opportunity to achieve growth within the company, in which will enhance loyalty and production profiency. Allowing previous trained and seasoned workers prep and prepare newly hired workers will save the company tremendously when it comes to capital utilized for training newly hired employees. The recruitment process will be very exstensive serving as a filtering process for the most qualified canidates regardless of their nationality. All employees new and veterans will be administered personality and apptitude test. This will give us an insight on each individual strenghts, weaknesses, mentality, and interest. We will build teams according to these results with a special focus of not placing predominately like minded individuals together. Our aim is to increase constructive compromise thru teamship and optimism. We want to eliminate anti-social and unisocial comfort zones in order to establish omnisocial interaction amongst the entire workforce.