Patrick Zagarino
Professor JungHwa Hong
Course MKTG 311
Rip Curl Marketing Analysis
Rip Curl is a world leader in surfboard, wetsuit, surf wear, watch, surf accessory and mountain wear manufacturing. Their name is synonymous with quality and customer satisfaction. They have continually produced high quality dependable products that are not easily replaced by any other competitor. The scene was set in 1969, Lance Armstrong was about to step foot on the moon, and Bells Beach, a world famous beach on the north shore of Oahu, known for its pumping surf, was serving near perfect ten foot waves. After hearty surf, the two locals Doug “Claw” Warbrick and Brian “Sing Ding” Singer, pitched their “fledgling” surf company, Rip Curl. In …show more content…
At the center of the marketing environment is consumers, therefore firms and consumers are indirectly influenced by the macroenvironment. The marketing environment can be divided into two categories, immediate and macroenvironmental. Internal factors include company capabilities, competitors, and corporate partners. The macroenvironmental factors include culture, demographics, technological advances and economic situations. Rip Curl is an international company, operating at some of the farthest and most diverse corners of the earth; they therefore have to take into consideration everything from political risk to foreign market regulations, that don’t have laws against price gouging. “Today, nine corporate Licensees make and sell Rip Curl products in USA, France, South Africa, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile. Surfers in the most remote corners of the planet can be seen using Rip Curl products. Maybe they have never heard of Torquay, maybe not even Bells, but they share the spirit of The Search, and pursue the dream that recognizes no borders and needs no translation.” In order to adapt their marketing campaign they needed to come up with a universal message that would take into account all of the different regional and country cultures. Like I had earlier mentioned, they sell products that …show more content…
Rip Curl is a company created and run by surfers. When reading an article written by one of Rip Curls top executives, he noted that on a day with soft offshore winds and head high swell, the California Torquay office is completely desolate. This speaks to the loyalty Rip Curl has instilled in not only its customers but also its employees. I believe Rip Curl will continue to succeed and prosper for many more years to come, and will continue to be a pioneer in the sport of