
Rise Of Consumerism By Rick Wolff

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Rise Of Consumerism By Rick Wolff
If you are exposed enough to something in particular, it will eventually begin to seem as normal throughout your daily life. Although normal is a very subjective word, because what is “normal” is different to each individual person, if someone can figure out a way to solicit or advertise to almost everybody, and can successfully get the word around, then that is when something could probably be considered as normal. This is what the goal of advertisers and marketers is, to make these advertisements seen as frequently as possible to seem normal in peoples’ daily lives, by giving off little subliminal messages to every person they possibly can. When this happens, ultimately people end up buying more stuff than they actually need, an issue which …show more content…
Since capitalism is an economic system that is run by private companies in order to turn a profit, instead of by the states. Rick Wolff, who wrote an article titled “Capitalism promotes consumerism” on the Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center writes, “Consumerism was a necessary component of US capitalism from the 1820s to the 1970s. As an ideology uniquely suited to that capitalism, it was articulated, cultivated, and supported by different social groups” (Wolf p. 9). Even to this day, capitalism is still a big deal in our American economy, and this idea has ultimately helped promote consumerism. Wolff argues that advertising shouldn’t be the one to blame for this rise in consumerism. I disagree however because without this capitalistic system, there would be no need for these companies to advertise as much, so the capitalistic economy has also helped promote the rise in advertising. All three of these aspects need the other to be able to thrive. Ultimately, this capitalistic society is what has created this consumer culture. Wolff also writes that, “The idea settled into US culture that consumption …show more content…
Because unfortunately this idea of consumerism has led to many negative aspects in consumer’s life that they may not be directly be aware of, since these negative externalities do not affect them directly. An article about Consumerism from the Opposing Viewpoints resource center online gives a list of some of these negative effects that consumerism can cause. “ Most pressing may be the impact of the modern economy on the environment, as seen in the pollution associated with extraction, manufacturing, large-scale agriculture, and transportation; the expanding waste streams of a ‘throwaway society’; and the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and fossil fuels. Economic problems of the consumption-based market society include the loss of jobs as companies shift production and services to cheaper labor markets overseas, and rising levels of consumer debt in credit card balances and mortgage defaults. Some commentators argue that consumerism also produces disturbing social distortions: the veneration of acquisition, wealth, and individual success and a corresponding erosion of the values of thrift, community, and civic involvement” (Consumerism p. 9). There are also many other negative aspects of consumerism that consumers should be aware of. Yes, companies do need to be

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