This essay will critically analyze what the concepts of risk and the perceptions of risk are. These concepts will then be applied to my personal experiences of risk during a typical kayaking exercise. This essay will also study the ideas of perceived risk and actual risk and their applications to the public services sector, more specifically the police. While studying the areas of perceived risk and actual risk in the police the essay will focus mainly on the importance of risk assessment and risk management in the work place.
Risk is a concept that we face every day during day to day life. Risk is an eventuality that we subconsciously analyze every day before embarking on our day to day business. Barton (2011) talks of when humans started on this planet survived by depending upon skill and wit to avoid risk during activities such as hunting, foraging and living together in close kit ‘packs’. This was very high risk sometimes but as the species evolved humans have become more intelligent and more vigilant so risk became less. Some people argue that though risk has become a less frequent idea the risks themselves become more serious. For example car accidents are less frequent but more serious that injuries you may gain through walking or running.
Risk its self is subjective to the individual. One person may something is very risky while the other would perceive the risk as relatively minor. Lyng (1990) talks about how many people take part in risk taking activities for enjoyment reasons. For example there is a relatively large section of society whoenjoy adventruos activities. These are often full of risk for example mountainerring can result in many injuries just as broken limbs, sprains and cuts. Hansson (2004) explains the concept of risk as being an unwanted event of which may or may not occur due to the participation in a certain activity.
Bibliography: Barton, B., 2011. Safety, Risk & Adventure in outdoor activities. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Dickson, T. J. & Gray, T. L., 2012. Risk Management in the Outdoors A whole-of-organisation approach for education, sport and recreation. New York: Cambridge University Press. Hawks, C. H., 1992. Endorphins: the basis of pleasure?. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry with practical Neurology, 55(4). Johnston, D. & Hutton, G., 2005. Blackstone 's Police Manual Volume 2. Evidence& Procedure. 7 ed. New York: Oxford university press. State of Victoria, 2011. better health: Canoeing and kayaking - preventing injury. [Online] Available at: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Canoeing_and_kayaking_preventing_injury The National Archives, 1999. health and safety act. www.Legislation.gov.uk. [Online] Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/3242/regulation/3/made