Now days, wireless communication and devices are very flexible, convenient, and easy to use everywhere. With the introduction of wireless local area network (WLAN) many users find it very flexible to move laptops from one place to another within the office while maintaining connectivity with the network, sharing data and applications with network system and other users with compatible devices without been tied to printer cables and other peripheral device connection. This is very important in a doctor’s office because patients and doctors move from room to room depends on the type of test they are doing. Having mobile device makes it easier for them to do their jobs easier and it can even help cut wiring costs. In the other hand there are many risks inherent in using wireless and mobile technologies. Wireless networks face the same threats as conventional wired network because intruders who gain access to information systems via wireless communication can bypass firewall protection and expose patient’s information and data. Besides lunching denial of service attacks, insert viruses or malicious code, disable operations, most importantly they can violate the privacy of patients and even steal their identities.
Thoroughly analyzed the identified risks and thoroughly developed factors to mitigate the risks.
Understanding the risk of using wireless or mobile technology makes it easier to come up with a plan is place to try preventing further actions. Maintaining secure wireless network is an ongoing process that requires greater effort that the required for other networks and systems. By assessing the risks, testing and evaluating system security controls for wireless networks more frequent can help prevent problems. There are many ways to improve the management of wireless or mobile technology like the following: * Creating backups of data frequently * Preforming
References: Milligan, P., & Hutcheson, D. (2008). Business risks and security assessment for mobile devices, Audit and Control Association. UeR4pzS5T49FrOr-xnPMFf-Kzzreojwin&sig=AHIEtbSeyo3aKqdZD3uk79VZzWkrHelkNQ Urbas, G., & Krone, T. (2006). Retrieved from Australian Government website: GcjE0vBEP&sig=AHIEtbQZ9NmKUg9ECEV4V-xsKXD9QqgQwg Kim , D., & Solomon, M. (2012). Funsamentals of information system security. Ontario: Jones &Bartlett learning Canada.