Consumer Health and Safety Advice
What should I do to reduce my exposure?
Due to the increasing concerns over the possible hazards from the use of wireless networks (and similar wireless technologies), the best way to reduce your exposure to unnecessary microwave radiation is to use cables wherever possible. The other advantages of cabled networks are speed (Wi-Fi is slower than wired networks), security (Wi-Fi is insecure – even with WEP or WPA encryption) and reliability (Wi-Fi is often known to drop connections). If it is not possible to remove your wireless connections, it is advised that you take other precautions: • o not sit in close proximity to a wireless router d (keep it in an unoccupied room if possible) • urn off any wireless devices at night time while you t sleep – as these devices emit microwaves at all times – not just when the device is transmitting data • void using a wireless laptop on your lap for a extended periods of time • ake note of the short-term t health effects – if you notice any symptoms try to remove or reduce your exposure to the wireless device.
Where can I get more information? Visit the following websites to obtain further information including the reports referred to in this brochure.