This was surprising to all of the staff, because the program was a huge success. No one knew where these preposterous sayings were coming from. The school principal wanted to put an end to the rumors, by declaring that the school was not closing. The rumors finally faded away and everyone worries grew less. One day all of Risley students were reader an article about the school closing down due to budget cuts. This was an emotional time for everyone who attend the school, both staff and students. No one had any plans for the upcoming school
This was surprising to all of the staff, because the program was a huge success. No one knew where these preposterous sayings were coming from. The school principal wanted to put an end to the rumors, by declaring that the school was not closing. The rumors finally faded away and everyone worries grew less. One day all of Risley students were reader an article about the school closing down due to budget cuts. This was an emotional time for everyone who attend the school, both staff and students. No one had any plans for the upcoming school