People are completely engrossed in the present day runningabout, and howsoever keen, it has become virtually impossible to spare time to learn music.
Dr. Balkrishna Chaitanya, a dental surgeon, by profession (Sangli- India) in a small way has tried to overcome this problem.He has come out with a computer Disc named Riyaz which is very simple, easy to understand & follow, to learn music.Dr. Chaitanya himself has taken training in Indian classical music for more than fifteen years.
His busy private Dental practice prevented him to indulge in music to the extent he wised and desired. Desire to make up for his own disappointment prompted him to bring about the C.D. Riyaz to help all others like him unable to pursue musical study.
To Improve on-line booking and online Riyaz Arkinc-Design web site for product promotion with on-line booking and payment facility, Promote products on internet, increase visibility on internet through SEO.
1. Simple navigation on website to know the product
2. Product display with price tag and product specifications
3. Online Booking facility with more visibility
4. Facility to update news, events and photo gallery
5. Product Sample Downloads for every product
6. Business promotion through Google ads
7. Promoted product on face book
8. 100% Product sale through web site
9. 100% payments made online
10. Top in Google search, 67% traffic comes through search
Benefits to Customer:
1. Company Established globally
2. Continuous improvement in SEO helped increase number customers by 12% per month
3. Customer satisfaction