Deferred Diagnosis includes:
309.9 (F43.22) Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety
301.83 (F60.3) Borderline Personality Disorder
Differential Diagnosis includes:
300.4 (F34.1) Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
300.02 (F41.1) Generalized Anxiety Disorder Other problems related to employment and homelessness became focal issues that Robyn has shared with me. While Robyn is employed part-time, her hours fluctuate regularly and the pay is not enough for her to live independently. Robyn made one comment about her age that she is aware that she is almost at the age of retirement, but does not believe it has negatively hindered her ability to get employment. She believes that with …show more content…
Dysthymia came to mind as Robyn had been experienced this whirl wind of changes for over three years. Robyn reported feelings of sadness during the loss of her brother, mother, and when having to give up her dogs, but no reports on daily depressed mood nor where there any visible signs. Sleeping and eating patterns were reported as normal. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is another differential diagnosis. Robyn did not meet more than one of the items in the criteria. Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety was the first diagnosis that came to mind for me after my first session with Robyn. I also noted possible Borderline Personality Disorder due to her inability to maintain a residence. At this moment, I believe more information will be needed for future diagnoses as she does not meet full criteria for any of the