Body language refers to forms of non-verbal communication, wherein a person reveals clues as to some unspoken intention or feeling through their physical behaviour.[1] These behaviours can include body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Although this article focuses on interpretations of human body language, animals also use body language as a communication mechanism.[2] Body language is typically subconscious behaviour, and is therefore considered distinct from sign language, which is a fully conscious and intentional act of communication.
Body language may provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate aggression,attentiveness, boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement, and intoxication.
Body language is significant to com
What is bodylanguage?
May 17, 2011 by Jorma
Filed under: Learn bodylanguage
Bodylanguage, is that something i can learn?
Bodylanguage is a hot item nowadays. In movies, series and books, but also in the dating field nonverbal communication is used on a very regular basis, but most people dont even recognize it. Thou bodylanguage (or nonverbal communication) is used more then verbal communication and its universal, meaning the nonverbal signs used in Europe are roughly the same as the bodylanguage used in, for example, China. A smile is a smile and a laugh is a laugh, and it means the same in Tokio as in Washington or