Effective communication plays a major role during construction and it helps the construction industry (for the fact any industry) to enhance production and completion of projects within the stipulated period and thereby increasing the chance to complete the project within the budget.
Communication is a means by which all stakeholders of the project are linked in order to achieve the central goal. Communication in the large sense of it is used to express facts, ideas, opinions and emotions between two or more people. It is observed that everybody in an organization is responsible for effective communication irrespective of the role of the person.
Communication is said to be effective within the working group in the industry only when the transmitted ideas achieve their desired action or reaction, as the operation involved in the construction industry is a team effort. (i.e., the client, quantity surveyors, architects, consultants, specialists and the contractors work in a group with the main objective of getting things done through human beings). Communication can be analyzed as a two way process as information is not only sent but also received, understood and implemented.
Through effective communication, the individuals especially in construction firms find it easy and highly productive to work together. Instruction and order are given and they are carried out as expected once they are well understood and acted upon rightly. The working day of every personnel is filled with communication in different ways and forms through orders, directives, information, conversation, requests and rumors.
Effective communication has not been given enough attention in construction firms thereby creating many loop holes in information dissemination. As a result of this poor attitude in the industry, it is found necessary to create solution to