Executive Summary
This paper will focus upon the roles, responsibilities and boundaries in planning, managing and delivering learning based around the teaching training cycle. This covers the application of learning styles to identify the differences of my learners. The issues of entitlement, equality, diversity and Inclusitivity will be addressed. It will also address the relevant legislation in my area of expertise and the importance of record keeping to maintain quality standards. The outline of scheme of work, lesson planning, methods used and resources available to meet the needs of my learners.
Introduction 4
Roles, responsibilities and functions of a teacher 4
Designing 6
Induction 6
Effective Lesson Plan 8
Scheme of Work 8
Key Principle of Learning 9
Motivation 10
Group Learning 12
Learning Styles 13
Honey and Mumford Questionnaire 13
Domains of Learning 14
Facilitating Learning 14
Communication 14
Inclusion 16
Resource Materials/ Teaching Strategies 17
Current Legislation 17
Managing Behaviour and Disruption 18
Functional Skills 18
Mentoring and Support 19
Micro teaching 19
Explain the need for record keeping? 19
Assessing Learning 19
Quality Assurance of Assessment decisions 20
Formative/Summative Assessment 20
Self Evaluation 21
Reflective Journals 22
Continued professional Development 22
Conclusion 22
Referencing 22
This assignment will look at the roles, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher. I will discuss how a teacher has a major effect upon students learning and behaviour. I will discuss the different theories that are related to learning and teaching methods and how they can be used within your teaching practice. I will also pay attention to my students learning styles so that my students are kept motivated and learn effectively. This will enable me to accommodate their needs. I will identify the key aspects of current