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Romeo and Juliet Unfinished Essay

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Romeo and Juliet Unfinished Essay
Romeo and juliet essay
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet tells a story about a pair or start-crossed lovers. Torn between the families that are tied up in which seems to be a never ending fight. In the play, many factors lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet; among these are fate, impulsive love and the rivalry between the Montague and Capulet family.

Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father is one of the many people that were at fault for the death. In act three scene five lord Capulet tells Juliet about the arranged marriage to county pairs. Lord Capulet has very little respect for Juliet and doesn’t care about her, he just wants the family to be rich and well known. Lord capulet demand for Juliet to marry him otherwise he will disown her as her daughter and kick her out onto the streets. Lord Capulet calls Juliet a ‘wilding’ which means worthless, that shows that he has very little respect for her.

Frair Laurence was always giving advice when Romeo and Juliet needed it. frair was the one that married then hoping that everything would go to plan. He wanted to parents’ consent because he thought that it might stop the fighting. Instead of giving the letter to frair john he should have given it to someone that would have been more reliable. If Romeo would have known of the drug romeo would not have killed himself leading to Juliet killing herself.

Romeo made quick decisions mush like Juliet. If he hadn’t of killed tybalt he wouldn’t have been banished. Romeo kills himself as soon as he sees Juliet because he thinks that shes dead. Romeo was madly in love with Rosaline at the start of the play. Murcutio persuades romeo to go to the capulets party where he meets Juliet. If he didn’t go he wouldn’t have fallen in love with Juliet and tybalt wouldn’t have challenged him.Romeo is to blame, he committed suicide, he killed Tybalt and Paris, he was quick to marry Juliet and fickle to get over Rosaline so quickly.

Murcutio was one of the most to blame. If he hadn’t of persuaded reomeo to go to the party their lives would have continued at usual and he wouldn’t have fought tybalt causing romeo to step in and kill tybalt.

The apothecary however wasn’t really at fault. He did sell the potion to romeo that was used to kill himself. If the apothecary didn’t sell romeo the poison he still would have killed himself he just would have done it a different way, but there is also a chance that he could have found out that Juliet was under the influence of a powerful drug to make her look dead.

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