
Romeo And Juliet Who Is To Blame

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Romeo And Juliet Who Is To Blame
Love can be thrilling, breathtaking, inspiring, ecstatic, adventurous, and hopeful. It is something everyone desires at least once in their life. If they are lucky they can get precisely that and it’ll completely change their world. However, sometimes people may not be as ready as they think they are and will dive blindly in. Without truly knowing what they are doing or any guidance along the way, this thrilling experience can completely consume them and turn deleterious. This is what both families in a raging feud discover when they both must face a tragedy in the William Shakespeare classic, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The Montagues and the Capulets hated each other since the beginning of time. At the same time of their hate, their only …show more content…
In the beginning of the play Romeo was heartbroken about not being able to have Rosaline. Rosaline had decided to be a nun and had a vow of chastity which went against Romeo’s intentions. He then proceeded to the Capulet party with his friends and saw Juliet. When Romeo met Juliet his first lines to her were “If I profane with my unworthiest hand/ This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:/ My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand/ To smooth that rough touch with a gentle kiss”(I.v.92-95). Romeo had just met Juliet and he was already trying to kiss her. In the matter of less than a few minutes Rosaline in Romeo’s mind went from the one who got away to just another random person who he couldn’t care less about. He did not think through his actions but instead acted on his impulse. This same impulse was used when he heard that Juliet was dead and he decided to kill himself. Also when he killed Paris purely because Paris was in his way. In addition Romeo never took responsibility for his actions. After Mercutio was killed he went after Tybalt. This resulted in another sword fight where Tybalt was killed. When Benvolio encounters him and tells him the prince will probably have him killed, Romeo uses the line “O, I am fortune’s fool”(III.i.130). Romeo blames that he has awful luck and that it is luck’s fault for all that has happened even though he had just physically killed Tybalt with his sword. He did not take responsibility for his actions and acted surprise from the consequences. Pushing the blame onto fate or luck allowed Romeo to continue to be reckless and not reconsider for a single millisecond. Therefore Romeo’s impulsiveness and irresponsibleness lead to him being part of the blame for his and Juliet’s

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