Room Division
describe a range of accommodation and reception services for different organization The accommodation can be divided into two general areas: Housekeeping Engineering The reception can be divided into five general areas: Front desk Bell service Mail and information Concierge Cashier and night auditors The aim of all accommodation is to provide their customers with clean, attractive, comfortable, and welcoming surroundings that offer value for money. Nothing sends a stronger message than cleanliness in hospitality operation. The reception can be divided into five areas : the concierge department comprises a large ground of uniformed staff, including: control of the uniformed staff, close liaison with the front office manage and other departments, giving of information to guest concerning hotel services and local directions, message taking and issuing room keys, the booking of theatre and the confirmation of airline passages, arranging the hire of the hotel cars and soling of guest problems and queries about the hotel and recreation facilities. explain the roles and responsibilities of a range of accommodation and reception services staff Accommodation: The engineering department has two distinct areas of responsibility. The first is to provide the hotel, on a day-to-day basis,with the utility services required for its proper operation-electricity, hot water, steam, air conditioning, and other services. Second, the engineering department is responsible for repairing and maintaining the equipment, furniture, and fixtures in the hotel. The housekeeping's responsibility rarely includes the kitchen, pantries, refrigerators, storage rooms for groceries, kitchen-cleaning and related supplies, and the dish- and ware-washing areas. Reception: The reception is truly the nerve center of a hotel. Members of the reception staff welcome the
Bibliography: Handy,C (1993), Understanding Orfanizations, 4 edition, Penguin Business
Egan,G (1990), The Skilled Helper, 4 edition, Brooks/Cole
Reddin,W(1970), Managerial Effectiveness,McGraw Hill
Taylor, F.W.(1947), scientific Management, Harper&Row
Lewin, K (1951, field Theory in Social Science, Harper
Jaques, E(1961), Equitable Payment, Heinman
Urwick,L, F(1952), Principle of Management, Pitman