Having a roommate can create disruption for everyone residing in the residence, and makes it difficult for each student to concentrate on the main purpose of going to college. To understand why complications occur between roommates a study about how to pair new students together was researched. In the article ‘Differences in personality type and roommate compatibility as predicates of roommate conflict’ there were three different hypotheses tested among 20 males and 18 females whom were all first-year students. During the study researchers combined different types of ways to measure roommate preferences. When looking among the ways to evaluate roommates compatibility with each other, previous studies had shown the (MBTI) was decreasing the number of roommate changes. The MBTI was not so popular with relations between male roommates. In this study measures of ‘living habits and personal preferences’ (king 1997) will be tallied according to developers of this study. The three hypotheses used for this study were; the personally compatibility hypothesis, the preference similarity hypothesis and the ideal preference hypothesis. The personality compatibility hypothesis suggests that pairing roommates with different personality types, according to their MBTI score they will have more conflict. The preference similarity hypothesis states that roommates with different living patterns and normality’s have a higher chance of room changes. The ideal preference hypothesis, tells us two different ways how to measure the way a roommate perceives his or her roommate and how they really are. This hypothesis shares how someone can compare the description of their current roommate and what they originally wanted from a roommate. Introversion-extroversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and judging-perceiving. These four scales are what authors of this study used to place people into sixteen different groups. Researches also used form G of the MBTI.
Having a roommate can create disruption for everyone residing in the residence, and makes it difficult for each student to concentrate on the main purpose of going to college. To understand why complications occur between roommates a study about how to pair new students together was researched. In the article ‘Differences in personality type and roommate compatibility as predicates of roommate conflict’ there were three different hypotheses tested among 20 males and 18 females whom were all first-year students. During the study researchers combined different types of ways to measure roommate preferences. When looking among the ways to evaluate roommates compatibility with each other, previous studies had shown the (MBTI) was decreasing the number of roommate changes. The MBTI was not so popular with relations between male roommates. In this study measures of ‘living habits and personal preferences’ (king 1997) will be tallied according to developers of this study. The three hypotheses used for this study were; the personally compatibility hypothesis, the preference similarity hypothesis and the ideal preference hypothesis. The personality compatibility hypothesis suggests that pairing roommates with different personality types, according to their MBTI score they will have more conflict. The preference similarity hypothesis states that roommates with different living patterns and normality’s have a higher chance of room changes. The ideal preference hypothesis, tells us two different ways how to measure the way a roommate perceives his or her roommate and how they really are. This hypothesis shares how someone can compare the description of their current roommate and what they originally wanted from a roommate. Introversion-extroversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and judging-perceiving. These four scales are what authors of this study used to place people into sixteen different groups. Researches also used form G of the MBTI.