Week Nine Assignment
Rasheida Ross
ID #A00303403
Program: PhD in Education
Specialization: Special Education Leadership
RSCH 8200D: Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis
Dr. Flohr
Walden University
n analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a test which is used to compare the means of two or more independent samples and test to see if the differences between the means are statistically significant. The One-way ANOVA is an extension of the t test for independent samples. The t test for independent samples compares the mean of two groups,fortuantly the One-way ANOVA has the capacity to campare the means of two or more means. ANOVA can compare all means simultaneously. If one was to consider using a t test to compare all means a series of comparsions would need to be conducted with only two means at a time.
When conducting a One-way ANOVA it was assumed that the observation on the three different normal variables is incompetent of each other. The Null hypothesis of this study is that the mean for each variable is equal to that of the other variable. The alternate hypothesis to this study is that the mean of group one and three are not equal to the mean of group one.
The effect size used F test for its three groups. Typical developing became the control group and the other two were the treatment group. When using typical developing: d= -2.0248 V=.1092 and C. interval of 95% is equaled to -2.673 which makes the effect that is being used in this data set a very large effect.
ANOVA is a test of significance used to determine whether scores from two or more groups are significantly different at a certain probability level with multiple group comparison(Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2009). The total variance of scores can be divided into two sources – variance between groups and variance within groups. The variance between groups considers how the individuals in a