Case Study Grid List five factors of the patients history that demonstrate nursing needs. Complete the table below with the following information Formulate three nursing diagnoses using the Problem, Etiology, and Signs and Symptoms (PES) format and the taxonomy of NANDA. The diagnoses must be based on the case study, be appropriate, be prioritized, and be formatted correctly. For each nursing diagnosis, state two desired outcomes using NOC criteria. Desired outcomes must be patient-centered and measurable within an identified timeframe. For each outcome, state two nursing interventions using NIC criteria as well as one evaluation method. Interventions and the evaluation method must be appropriate to the desired outcomes. Provide rationale for each nursing diagnosis, and explain how PES, NANDA, NOC, and NIC apply to each diagnosis. Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, and create an APA formatted reference page. Nursing Diagnosis 1 Desired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Nursing Intervention 2 Evaluation method Rationale Nursing Diagnosis 2 Desired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Nursing Intervention 2 Evaluation method Rationale Nursing Diagnosis 3 Desired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Nursing Intervention 2 Evaluation method Rationale Case Study Grid NUR/403 Version 4 PAGE MERGEFORMAT 1 Copyright 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Y, dXiJ(x(I_TS1EZBmU/xYy5g/GMGeD3Vqq8K)fw9…
Her behavior changes as she adjusts to her condition. She tends to avoid a lot of movement and strenuous jobs. She seeks more help at work from her colleagues. This makes her feel more dependent on others. She does not have a comfortable relationship with her patients since she cannot attend to their medical needs, sit with them for longer and adjust their beds and pillows easily for comfort since she is under pain. At home, she limits her playing sessions with the children. She seeks more assistance from her partner than before. Her children have to learn to do simple jobs by themselves. They feel distanced from their mother and do not understand why. The mother sees these emotions and distance and emotionally, it hurts and drains her. Her partner has to play mum and dad to the children. He is more tired than before. As a result, they can blame the wife for her sickness. Eventually, the nurse feels like she is a liability to the hospital and her friends. She feels lonely and less useful and helpless at home. She develops stress and anxiety. She is less social and happy. She puts on weight due to the depression and reduced muscle activity. Emotional breakdowns are manifest in new behavior such as high irritability, lack of or increased appetite for sugar and high calorie food, too much time spent watching TV or reading alone. Her cognitive responses change. According to cognitive theory, she expresses her emotions as she feels them, be they positive or negative, mild or strong.…
As noted in the lead group’s forum, “through observation, [Florence Nightingale] collected empirical evidence that supported her environmental theory and used it to develop evidence-based guidelines that other nurses faced with similar circumstances might find useful” (Selanders, 2010). Nightingale, in essence, was a pioneer to evidence-based nursing practice. She focused on the patient’s symptoms and examined possible environmental causes of these symptoms to steer the care given. McCurry, Revell, and Roy (2009) state that “nursing as a profession has a social mandate to contribute to the good of society through knowledge-based practice” (p. 42). No moves, however, can be made without a vision, or a formulation of what is wanted as the end result.…
Professional nurses pushing families to take control over their health has always been a challenging issue. Encouraging individuals, families and communities to collaborate with health providers and join a shared approach at tackling health promotion together can be rewarding for all parties. Nursing theorist and professor, Marjory Gordon developed a functional health pattern assessment to provide a comprehensive patient assessment for nurses. (Current Nursing, 2011). Gordon’s principle guide nurses to collect subjective and objective data during an assessment and categorize the information into eleven functional…
The Roy Adaptation Model for Nursing had it's beginning with Sister Callista Roy entered the masters program in pediatric nursing at the University of California in Los Angeles in 1964. Dorothy E. Johnson, Roy's advisor and seminar faculty, was speaking at the time on the need to define the goal of nursing as a way of focusing the development of knowledge for practice. During Roy's first seminar in pediatric nursing, she proposed that the goal of nursing was promoting patient adaptation. Johnson encouraged her to develop her concept of adaptation as a framework for nursing, throughout the course of her master's program. Von Vertalanffy's use of systems theory was a key component in the early concept of the model, as was the work of Helson. Helson defined adaptation as the process of responding positively to environmental changes, and then went on to describe three types of stimuli, those being focal, contextual, and residual. Roy made derivations of these concepts for use in describing situations of people in both health and illness. Roy's view of the person as an adaptive system took shape from this early work, with the congnator and regulator being added as the major internal processes of the adapting person.…
Purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the opportunity to examine assessment tools that evaluate on-physical measures. Applying Watson’s Theory of Human caring integrates the mind-body-spirit dimensions. Nurses should be knowledgeable in tools to expand the abilities of nurses to assess and evaluate clients in various stages and states of health, illness, stress and life.…
The “American Nurses Association” (2012) website describes the nursing process as assessment, diagnosis, outcomes/planning, implementation, and evaluation. Another important tool is getting to know the patient, to get a full picture of the patient’s physical and mental status. Although there are several assessment tools that can be used, three tools were chosen for the purpose of this paper The Well-Being Picture Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire. Being informed about Watson’s caring theory and applying previous nursing knowledge allows the nurse to use these assessment…
J., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T. … Stanley, D. (2010). Kozier and Erd’s fundamentals of nursing (1st Australian ed.). Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson…
Family Health is very important in the nursing assessment. The patient outcome and recovery depends on the family support of the patient. One way to assess a family is by using Gordon’s Health Patterns. Gordon’s functional health patterns provide a holistic model for assessment of family because assessment data are classified under eleven headings: Health Perception and Health Management, Nutritional-Metabolic, Elimination, Activity and Exercise, Sleep and Rest, Cognition and Perception, Self-Perception and Self- Concept, Roles and Relationships,…
The concept of compassion fatigue in acute care nurses is supported by Tsai’s Theory of Caregiver Stress. McEwen and Wills (2014) explains, the purpose of the Theory of Caregiver Stress is to predict stress and the effects of stress on caregivers. To determine stress and its outcomes, demographic characteristics, burden in caregiving, stressful life events, and social support and social roles are evaluated (Source?).…
Tanner, T. (2013, June). The problem of alarm fatigue. Nursing for Women’s Health, 17(1), 153-157.…
Nursing Science Quarterly, Vol. 17 No. 2, April 2004, 128-134 DOI: 10.1177/0894318404263374 © 2004 Sage Publications…
Before starting this assessment, I fully expected the results of this assignment to be completely off from how I see myself as a leader. I tend to overthink surveys and assessments like these. I was surprised to see that many of the chosen themes matched my personality and leadership style. As I grow as a leader I hope to develop other traits and leadership themes.…
Gordon’s functional health patterns is a method developed by Marjory Gordon, a nursing theorist and professor. The functional health patterns are to be used during the nursing process to obtain a more comprehensive assessment. There are 11 functional health patterns to in place to create a comprehensive assessment. The functional health patterns are values and health perception and management, sleep/rest, nutrition, activity/exercise, elimination, cognitive-perceptual, role relationship, self perception, coping-stress tolerance, sexuality and religion. In this paper, I will discuss all of these functional health patterns as they pertain to my husbands perception of our family.…
Holistic nursing assessments are carried out in order to provide the most effective patient-centred care. Carrying out holistic nursing assessments, such as a falls risk assessment, can identify if a patient is at risk and allows the nurse to put a preventative plan in place. For example, when caring for the elderly, scoring a patient’s risk of falling allows the nurse to carry out preventative actions to stop this patient from falling, such as ensuring bed rails are up while the patient is sleeping (Lannering et al, 2016).…