The means results show that customers have a higher expectation before their visit at their banks but have a lower perception after their visit with respect to all five dimensions of service quality. The results also shows that the SERVQUAL Gap is related to responsiveness dimension followed by the reliability, then the empathy dimension followed by assurance and tangibility. Secondly, the finding from Independent sample t-test is relation to the third objectives (To measure service quality for customer having savings account in contrast to those having loan account). The results show that Hypothesis 1 to 5 are rejected as there are no significant differences between customers having savings account and loan account with respect to all five dimensions of service quality. Hence the Hypothesis 0 is accepted and proved that there is no differences between customers having savings account and loan account with respect to service quality. Lastly findings from the Chi-Square addresses the first objective (To determine the factors of service quality that influence customer perception and to identify the best one among the commercial banks). The result shows that the reliability dimension has the best impact on customer perception followed by responsiveness. Empathy was the …show more content…
Managers must be aware of the importance of training in improving customer service in financial institutions. The findings of the present study showed that customers have a low perception on the ability of the staff to answer their questions, willingness to respond their requests and also provide personal attention to them. In this case, managers should provide training to employees on how to provide high level of service quality and also how to improve their information technology, teamwork and communication skills. Furthermore, management should also try to increase the training programs, example the quality training programmes. Management may also recruit highly qualified human resource directors that have a solid background in service quality and can prepare training programmes for the staffs. Jordan Housing Bank for Trade and Finance trains its staffs in order to achieve their objectives and goals. The training involves providing the required skills and knowledge to employees for performance. This training programmes have improved employees’ ability to make decision rapidly and