Additionally, Amazon investment in information systems help to manage effectively, quickly, the important information that is stored and served for the next trading time. Amazon's success is the result of the investment process for costly durable and information infrastructure technology and online sales.
Software distribution management of Amazon has increased the quantity of deliverables in 2003 to 3 times compared with 1999. With the distribution error rate …show more content…
Previously, they choose Microsoft Azure as it is owned by Azure security certificate from the government (CJIS), while Amazon does not. But eventually cloud giants also decided to obtain certification after realizing CJIS largest market segment from the government agencies. Amazon now also create a separate package for these agencies which is GovCloud - AWS platform is for ultra-high security government data. While Amazon allows customers to interact deeply about every aspect, Microsoft has not been so.
SWOT analysis on e-commerce model
Strengths (Strengths)
- Earn the trust of customers, credit rating in the survey recently at very high levels
- Customer relationship management system is effective, customer service is appreciated
- list of products rich, not just the business items of tradition that has expanded into other fields: from electronics, computers, phones, CD / VCD, clothes. also offers additional online auction services, music downloads ... Customers have many opportunities to choose the goods you need more baskets
- Site accessible, easy extraction of information, automatic transactions
Weaknesses …show more content…
This can cause problems related to service delivery.
Opportunities (Opportunity)
- It is possible to cooperate with publishers and authors because consumers tend to read more books by well known authors.
- Continuing to invest in the system customer care, maintaining a heart of their product and attract new customers.
- Cooperation with other online retailers, expand market share
Threats (Challenges)
- High profits of the business through the network will attract competitors. is difficult to differentiate the product or say how different is the personalized brand compared to the competition.
- the competition more and more to expand the field of sales
- Cost of transport by fuel affect the prices charged to consumers and impacts negatively on shopping behavior and perceptions of customers about the brand.
- differences in culture, customs, consumption habits when open market