Osby, Melanie, Saxena, Sunita, Nelson, Janice, Shullman, Ira. (2007). Safe Handling and Administration of Blood Components. Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 131(1), 690-694. Retrieved on October 17, 2010, from http://ezproxy.iuk.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c8h&AN=2009579571&site=ehost-live. Seven case scenarios are reviewed by four medical doctors to assess the risks that hinder successful blood transfusions and administration of blood components (2007). The authors present scenarios of actual transfusion situations, the mistakes made that affected real patients, and the lessons for nurses and other physicians to prevent such errors in their careers. Various journals, textbooks and internet sources were used to obtain data to support their claims. In the article, the doctors explain how the transfusion process involves several steps that can compromise patient safety if not carried out according established guidelines. Sometimes stories can be the most effective way to raise awareness and educate. Incorporating this is a strength of the study. The authors present scenarios that show inappropriate blood component ordering, the importance of obtaining patient consent to transfuse, the proper way to submit a blood sample to a blood bank and issue the components, and transfusing and monitoring the patient during transfusion. The authors are effective because one can imagine being part of a transfusion that went bad and the emotions that it will bring about. The research goes beyond just scenarios with their cause and effects. The authors delve into the administrative responsibilities for all levels of medical staff and elaborate on the most intricate details in the process. The article further presents a table that gives information on needle size, types of tubing and filters to use, infusion rates, and using pumps and blood warmers. Another table shows the signs and symptoms displayed during a
Bibliography: #1 Osby, Melanie, Saxena, Sunita, Nelson, Janice, Shullman, Ira. (2007). Safe Handling and Administration of Blood Components. Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 131(1), 690-694. Retrieved on October 17, 2010, from http://ezproxy.iuk.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c8h&AN=2009579571&site=ehost-live. Seven case scenarios are reviewed by four medical doctors to assess the risks that hinder successful blood transfusions and administration of blood components (2007). The authors present scenarios of actual transfusion situations, the mistakes made that affected real patients, and the lessons for nurses and other physicians to prevent such errors in their careers. Various journals, textbooks and internet sources were used to obtain data to support their claims. In the article, the doctors explain how the transfusion process involves several steps that can compromise patient safety if not carried out according established guidelines. Sometimes stories can be the most effective way to raise awareness and educate. Incorporating this is a strength of the study. The authors present scenarios that show inappropriate blood component ordering, the importance of obtaining patient consent to transfuse, the proper way to submit a blood sample to a blood bank and issue the components, and transfusing and monitoring the patient during transfusion. The authors are effective because one can imagine being part of a transfusion that went bad and the emotions that it will bring about. The research goes beyond just scenarios with their cause and effects. The authors delve into the administrative responsibilities for all levels of medical staff and elaborate on the most intricate details in the process. The article further presents a table that gives information on needle size, types of tubing and filters to use, infusion rates, and using pumps and blood warmers. Another table shows the signs and symptoms displayed during a transfusion reaction. Similar to the other source used in this project, Transfusing safely: A 2006 guide for nurses, (2006), these four medical doctors emphasize the importance of establishing guidelines and a committee because the transfusion process is so intricate. Any minor detail left undone could have fatal results. This article is applicable to the nursing practice because it not only provides fundamentals, but also facilitates learning from others’ mistakes to prevent future errors.