Safeguarding: This means protecting everyone’s right to be safe and stopping abuse.
Safeguarding adult principles (Department of health 2013 Statement of government policy on adult safeguarding)
Empowerment- presumption of person led decisions and informed consent
Prevention- it is better to take action before harm occurs
Proportionality- Proportionate and least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented
Partnership- Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
Protection- Support and representation for those in greatest need.
Accountability- Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.
Empowerment is to allow an individual to be involved in the safeguarding process and to make a choice in the outcomes and understand and manage the risks. Allow the individual to feel safe and in control of their care. If someone lacks capacity to make a decision we will always act in their best interests.
Prevention is to inform an individual about all types of abuse and how to recognise the signs. Also to inform the individual how to seek help and who to seek help from. We train staff how to recognise abuse and how to take action to prevent abuse. It also means that the professionals recognise when things are not right and act early.
Proportionality is to work in the best interest of the individual and to only get involved as much as is needed. The professional needs to understand the individual and their limitations, and allow the individual to have the people involved in their safeguarding that they wish.
Protection is to give the individual help and support to report abuse. It is also to allow the individual to get involved in the safeguarding process as much as they are able. We also have effective ways of assessing and managing risks.
Partnership gives the individual the right to have all personal and