Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care (HSC024)
Outcome 1 Know how to recognise the signs of abuse.
1.1 Define the following types of abuse.
Physical Abuse: - Physical abuse such as hitting, pushing, pinching shaking, misusing, medication, scolding and hair pulling.
Sexual Abuse: - Sexual abuse such as forcing someone into unwanted sexual activity, being touched inappropriately, rape, sexual assault, or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not or could not have consented or to which they have been pressurised into consenting.
Emotional / Psychological Abuse :- Emotional or Psychological abuse such as intimidation, being threatened, being ignored on purpose, humiliation, blaming, controlling, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, being prevented from seeing family and friends or being prevented from receiving services or support.
Financial Abuse :- Financial abuse such as stealing someone’s money or spending it on the wrong things, putting pressure on someone to make changes to their will or spend their money against their wishes, fraud or exploiting someone, pressure in connection with property, inheritance, misuse property, possessions or benefits.
Institutional Abuse: - Institutional abuse such as rigid intensive routines, inadequate privacy or comfort. This can happen in care homes or hospitals or when someone receives institutional style of care in their own home.
Self Neglect: - Self neglect is characterized as the behaviour of a person that threatens their own health and safety. Self neglect generally manifests itself in a person as a refusal or failure to provide themselves with adequate food, water, clothes, shelter, personal hygiene, medication and personal safety.
Neglect By Others :- Neglect typically means the refusal or failure to provide a person with such life necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medicine, comfort,