A Define the following types of abuse and identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse
The Department of Health has defined abuse as “Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any person or persons” (No Secrets 2000).
There are many different types of abuse and individual cases of abuse usually involve a different combination of these different types.
(i) Physical abuse
Refers to hitting, slapping, scratching, pushing or rough handling of another person. It can also involve assault and battery either with the hand or another object. Restraining persons without out justifiable reason and misuse of medication are also forms of physical abuse. Inappropriate sanctions including deprivation of food, clothing, warmth and health care needs
Some of the symptoms include a history of unexplained falls or minor injuries especially at different levels of healing. Unexplained bruising especially in well protected areas of the3 body,e.g. on the inside of thighs or upper arms. Burn marks of unusual type. A history of frequent changes of general practitioners or reluctance in the family, carer or friend towards a consultation. An accumulation of medicine which has been prescribed for a client but not administered. Malnutrition, ulcers, bed sores and being left in wet clothing. Lastly a reluctance to be left alone with the abuser.
(ii) Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse involves sexual activity which a person (adult) has not consented to or been pressured into. All form of sexual activity with children is abuse as they are under the age of consent. Sexual activity which takes place when the adult is unaware or has the capacity to be aware of the consequences or risks involved. Rape, sexual assault and masturbation plus sexual harassment are further forms of sexual assault. Lastly there are forms of non-contact sexual abuse e.g. voyeurism and pornography
Some of the signs and indicators of sexual