Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC understands that over the last five years, there has been an increased emphasis on living a healthy life. This includes eating and living healthy. One of the goals of the business is to provide a facility that can cater to the needs of customers in the area of healthy living. This means that our product and service offerings have been designed with the customer in mind. Fun 4 Life Fitness Center wants to assist in helping the customer (s) to reach their goals of a healthy lifestyle whether it through physical training or nutrition.
Sales Force
Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC intends to have a sales force staff comprised of one Marketing Sales Manager. This person has the qualified credentials and experience to lead this area successfully. The responsibility of the Marketing Sales Manager will include training all management and staff in the area of sales. The Marketing Sales Manager has already sought to reach out to potential customers by using a marketing research survey. This survey is only the beginning of which follow-up and additional surveys will be designed to reach out to more people. The current survey was distributed by email and by hand. There were 32 surveys that were given out and 32 responses were collected back.
Marketing Channels
As it relates to marketing channels, Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC has chosen to use the Corpus Christi paper newspaper and online version, as well as Don Mickey Designs (direct mail). These two marketing channels were chosen because based on the survey results of the potential market, the responses indicated that most would recognize marketing information if it came through these channels.
Sales Channels
Fun 4 Life Fitness Center, LLC has created a position for a full time Fitness Sales Manager. Under this person are two full-time member service representatives and one part-time member service representative. There are