3.0 Promotion and Consumption 3.1 Sales promotion Schemes and Consumer Preference 3.2 Brand Equity Measurement 3.3 Sales Promotion Types and Preferences 3.4 Valence of a promotion 3.5 When Promotion is Informative 3.6 Perceived discount 3.7 Store Image 3.8 Name Brand Vs Store Brand 3.9 Change in Purchase intention due to Sales promotions 3.10 Promotion threshold 3.11 Consumer Price Formation : Reference Prices 3.12 Price Elasticity 3.13 Sales Promotion: Immediate Price reduction 3.14 Consumer Goals 3.15 Price Promotion & Pre Purchase Goals 3.16 Promotion: Discount Vs Free Gift 3.17 Consumer Response to Deal Exclusivity 3.18 The Effects of Gender on consumer response to Deal Exclusivity 3.19 Sales Promotion and Brand Equity 3.20 The Effects of Sales promotions on Brand Knowledge
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3.21 The Differential Effects of monetary & Non Monetary promotions on Brand Knowledge 3.22 Sales promotion and Brand Image 3.23 Sales Promotion and Branding 3.24 Short and Long Term effects of Sales Promotions 3.25 Price Sensitivity 3.26 Sales Promotion in relation to advertising 3.27 Conclusion 3.28 References
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Chapter 3 Literature Review
Promotion & Consumption:
Does consumption respond to promotion? Many studies have focused on the effects of promotion on brand switching, purchase quantity, and stockpiling and have documented that promotion makes consumers switch brands and purchase earlier or more. The consumers‘ consumption decision has long been ignored, and it remains unclear how promotion affects consumption (Blattberg et al. 1995). Conventional choice models cannot be used to address this issue because many of these models assume constant consumption rates over time (usually defined as the total purchases over the entire sample periods divided by the number of time periods). While this assumption can be appropriate for some product categories such as
References: Aaker, D. 1991. Managing Brand Equity: New York: The Free Press. Aaker, D. 1991. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the value of a Brand Name, The Free Press, New York, NY. Ambler, Tim (2001). What Does Marketing Success Look Like? Marketing Management; spring, 10, 1, 12-18. Assuncao, Joao L., Robert Meyer. 1993. The rational effect of price promotions on sales and consumption. Management Sci. 39 517–535. Berkowitz, Eric N. and John R. Walton (1980), "Contextual Influences on Consumer Price Responses: An Experimental Analysis," Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (August), 349-358. 158 | P a g e Blackston, Max (2000) Blair, Edward A. and E. Laird Landon, Jr. (1981), "The Effects of Reference Prices in Retail Advertising," Journal of Marketing, 45 (Spring), 61-69. Blatlberg, Robert C. and Scott A, Neslin (1990), Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies. Engiewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Blattberg, Robert C., Briesch, Richard, and Fox, Edward J Chandon, Pierre, Brian Wansink. 2002. When are stockpiled products consumed faster? A convenience-salience framework of post purchase consumption incidence and quantity. J. Marketing Res. 39 321–335. Cummins, J. (1998), Sales Promotion: How to Create and Implement Campaigns that Really Work, 2nd ed., Kogan Page, London. Curhan, Ronald C. and Robert J. Kopp (1986), "Factors Influencing Grocery Retailers ' Support of Trade Promotions," Report No. 86-104. Boston: Marketing Science Institute. Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W.M. & Ferrell, O.C. 1997. Marketing: Concepts and Strategies, 3rd European ed., Houghton Mifflin. Dodson, Joe A., Alice M- Tyboul, and Brian Stemthal (1978), "Impact of Deals and Deal Retraction on Brand Switching," Journal of Marketing Research, 15 (February), 72-81. Donthu, Naveen, and Joseph Cherian. "Hispanic Coupon Usage: The Impact of Strong and Weak Ethnic Identification." Psychology and Marketing 9, 6 (1992): 501-10. Dunn, M. and Davis, S. 2004. Handbook of Business Strategy, MCB UP Limited E