Sales Promotion is a most commonly used phenomenon in today’sbusiness world. It’s two way benefit is that it helps to increasesales as well as it increases customer loyalty. So most of thebusiness firms consider it as an important marketing tools. NestléBangladesh Limited is food and beverage manufacturer. It is thesubsidiary of it’s mother company world’s largest food andbeverage manufacturer Nestlé S.A. Before going to thediscussion of sales promotion in Nestlé Bangladesh Limited wewill first know the company.
About Nestlé
Nestlé is the world 's largest food group not only in terms of itssales but also in terms of its product range and its geographicalpresence. Nestlé covers nearly every field of nutrition: infantformula, milk products, chocolate and confectionery, instantcoffee, ice-cream, culinary products, frozen ready-made meals,mineral water etc. They are also a major producer of pet food. Inmost of these product groups and in most markets, Nestlé is theleader or at least a strong number two. Nestlé is a very focusedCompany, with more than 94 percent of the sales coming fromthe food and beverage sector. Nestlé is present around the globe,on all continents, with around 230,000 people working in more inan 84 countries with 466 factories and with sales representativesin at least another 70 countries. Many of its brand names areworld familiar: Nescafé, Nido, Maggi, Polo, Smarties, Milo, Perrier,Friskies, KitKat, Crunch….Some of its products have brokenrecords: 3,000 cups of Nescafé are consumed every second. andKitKat merited an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records asthe world 's best-selling chocolate bar with 418 KitKat fingerseaten every second around the world!
Key Information About Nestlé S.A.
World’s Largest food Company
Founder: John Heinrich Nestle in the year of 1967
Present in all countries
Tk. 7,000,00 Crore sales in 2008 ( that is 6.2 times of is year Bangladesh