I completely support marriage equality, and I think gay marriage should be legalized because it is uncivilized and unmerited. Our civil rights and the Constitution give us many liberties. One of our civil liberties is the pursuit of happiness, which homosexual people are not allowed to chase. They cannot be married to the person they love and it violates their freedoms. Actually, a lot of state of America and some countries support same-sex marriage. Yesterday, gay marriage is allowed in California. This is not only the good news for people live in California but also gives gay people around the world hope and believe that their love would be supported and respected. Some people might ask why gay marriage should be legalized, but have they ever wonder why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. They are two people who feel affection for one another and those two people want to start a family. If we change the scenario a little bit and a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, try to get married it causes uproar. They are not allowed to be married or raise a family together. Nobody would be affected if homosexual marriage was legalized. Everyone believes there is one person who is out there to love us. Gay people feel the same way. Parenthood is a benefit of marriage and gay couples cannot have children by themselves, without some type of help, so they look to adoption agencies. In some cases gay couples are put on longer waiting lists or denied completely. There are other benefits to being married as well, such as tax breaks. On the website professorshouse.com it reads, “When we hit our mid-thirties, we wanted only true friendships- friendships that were durable.” This is a perfect example of matrimony and what it should be based on. According to dictionary.com a marriage is, “The legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as
I completely support marriage equality, and I think gay marriage should be legalized because it is uncivilized and unmerited. Our civil rights and the Constitution give us many liberties. One of our civil liberties is the pursuit of happiness, which homosexual people are not allowed to chase. They cannot be married to the person they love and it violates their freedoms. Actually, a lot of state of America and some countries support same-sex marriage. Yesterday, gay marriage is allowed in California. This is not only the good news for people live in California but also gives gay people around the world hope and believe that their love would be supported and respected. Some people might ask why gay marriage should be legalized, but have they ever wonder why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. They are two people who feel affection for one another and those two people want to start a family. If we change the scenario a little bit and a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, try to get married it causes uproar. They are not allowed to be married or raise a family together. Nobody would be affected if homosexual marriage was legalized. Everyone believes there is one person who is out there to love us. Gay people feel the same way. Parenthood is a benefit of marriage and gay couples cannot have children by themselves, without some type of help, so they look to adoption agencies. In some cases gay couples are put on longer waiting lists or denied completely. There are other benefits to being married as well, such as tax breaks. On the website professorshouse.com it reads, “When we hit our mid-thirties, we wanted only true friendships- friendships that were durable.” This is a perfect example of matrimony and what it should be based on. According to dictionary.com a marriage is, “The legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as