key to survival, emotional, and financial." I think is a very valid point that he made in his article because by not legalizing gay marriages we are taking away all these rights from the couple, and they are unable to recieve the benefits that heterosexual couples do. In the United States each individual has the right to chose who they want to marry and that should be reguardless of the sex or gender. "The decision whether or not to marry belongs properly to individuals, not the government" said Stoddard, which therefore marriage should not be limited between a man and a woman just because the government says so it should be open to same-sex marriages, if that is what an individual wants. People who oppose gay marriage have many different reasons why they feel that way, but I find them to be somewhat selfish.
I've never heard of a homosexual being against gay marriage and as a hetrosexual it is hard to understand exactly what they are feeling, so how could it be right for someone to tell you that you can not get married because you are gay, and you don't deserve the rights that all heterosexuals couples recieve. It just seems very unfair to me, especially when there is research and studies proving that you can be born gay. It has to be hard enough for homosexuals to "come out of the closet" in a society that is so heterosexual, but to take away there right of marriage just seems …show more content…
cruel. In the article "Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron" by Lisa Schiffren she does not believe that homosexuals should have the right to marry.
I cannot help but to completely disagree with her arguments to why gay marriage should not be legalized. She states that "tax benefits, inheritance rights, and employee benefits exist to help couples raise children" which may be very true, but there are many married heterosexual couples who cannot or chose not to have children that are recieving all these benefits. Therefore if gay couples cannot recieve these why should couples without children be able to? Many people argue that gay marriage is "anti-family" but how could this be true when gay couples can raise children whether it's through adoption or a surrogate. Just because you are gay does not mean you do not desire to have a family. Denying gay couples the right to recieve the benefits, makes it twice as hard for them to raise a
child. Lisa Schiffren also says that "society cares about stability in heterosexual unions because it is critical for raising healthy children and transmitting the values that are basis of our culture" I think that legalizing marriage will not affect the health of children at all because homosexuality is seen everywhere in the media today from magazines, TV shows, the internet, ect. Our country is definitley more accepting now than it was years ago and kids are going to grow up aware of homosexuality, and I see no difference how it will affect them if gay marriage is made legal. People act as if making gay marriage legal will turn everyone gay and that people will stop reproducing children. This is a laughing matter to me, nobody wants to be gay, and heterosexual couples will still remain the dominant couple. There will still be those people and religions that still look down on homosexual couples and not be accepting of it, but at least they will be given the oppurtunity to unite there love with marriage and recieve all of the benefits and legal rights that come along with it.