Nicole Predmore
September 14, 2105
Deanna Kimbrel
My name is Sammad Gavde, and I go by Sammy here in
America. I am 45 years old, married to my Wife Anna for 17 years, and we have a daughter, who is now 4 years old. I was born in India, and moved to the United States with my parents when I was 10 years old. My mothers name is, Kia, and my father is Gagni. Like many wishing for a better life my parents decided to move to America. This was a hard transition for our family . The journey was tough being a young boy unfamiliar with what was to come. When we moved here we were not accustom to, nor prepared for the
American language, culture, or the diversity here. Ultimately we ended up teaching …show more content…
ourselves how to speak the English language, in order to engage in conversation with other people who do not speak our native language, Kannada. It was a hard way of life for the first few years we were here in
Map of India
T h i s i s a p i c t u re o f M a n i p a l h o s p i t a l , l o c a t e d i n t h e c i t y o f B e n g a l u r u , Ka rn a t a ka , l o c a t e d i n t h e s o u t h e rn re g i o n o f I n d i a . T h i s i s w h e re m y m o t h e r gave birth to me.
Culture Shock upon arriving in America
Growing up in India my parents and I, as well as the rest of our family, including my wife and daughter practice
Buddhism, a religious practice that is wide spread in India.
Buddhism is a religion that varies from family to family. Some chose to modernize the religion and do not stay true to original practices. Buddhism is a religion that focuses on human nature, as well as, nature and ultimate reality, where we choose not to eat ant type of meat or fish, or eggs, but our reasoning seemed to be hard for most Americans to understand. From my perspective it was equally as hard to understand why so many Americans choose to eat meat. As
Buddhists, we choose not to eat any type of meat.
This is because in our religion, the killing of animals is not permitted. The reasoning is simple, the purpose of the life we live is to end suffering. Therefore, we cannot in any way
In conclusion, while it may be hard for us to accept new people in our society, we need to realize that someone that is trying to adapt to our differences in culture, is already enduring a lot of stress and sense of not fitting in. They are experiencing an overwhelming amount of information in a short period of time. Instead of ostracizing these people we need to embrace them. As human being we need to realize that all our dreams are the same. We want a life that is one of comfort and ease, and acceptance. While their culture is different from ours we need to take a step back and take into consideration that the people that move here are experiencing a level of unfamiliarity also. It takes time to familiarize yourself with your surroundings when every experience is a new one.
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