Dear Participant,
This questionnaire is designed to evaluate the extensiveness of Blackberry and Iphone user growth and development. The responses you provide will help us better understand what are being demanded by society.
Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. We greatly appreciate your help in furthering this research endeavour. Cordially, Students of HNDBM/BA 10/02
Please CIRCLE or TICK the numbers representing the most appropriate responses for you. 1. Gender: 1) Male 2) Female
2. Age: 1) 2) Under 20 3) 20 to 25 4) 25 to 30 5) Over 30
3. Employment Status: 1) Unemployed 2) Government Servants 3) Private Sectors 4) Student 5) Student and working part-time or vice versa
4. If you are working, what is your annual salary range: (skip this question if you’re a student) 1) Under $10,000 2) $10,000 to $15,000 3) $15,000 to $20,000 4) Over $20,000
5. Which mobile phone are you using? 1) 2) IPhone 3) Blackberry
6. 7. Before your current phone, which brand did you use?
1) Nokia 2) Samsung 3) SonyEricsson 4) Other, please state:____________________
8. What is your level of satisfaction using the current phone?
(High Satisfactory) 1 -----2 -----3 -----4 -----5 -----6 -----7 -----8 -----9 -----10 (Unsatisfactory) 9. If there is only one word to describe your phone, what will it be? 1) 2) Classy 3) In-trend 4) Hip 5) Others, please state:___________________
10. What made you change your mind to switch to your current phone? 1) 2) Trendiness 3) It’s design 4) The applications that other phone doesn’t have 5) Easy-gaming 6) Others: ______________________
11. When buying the phone, does the size and prices matter? 1) Size matter and price