Extracted Material from Sample Format for a SOP
This student handout contains one page of extracted material from the following publication: Sample Format for a SOP None Page SH-4-2 Disclaimer: The training developer developed this extracted material. The text may contain passive voice, misspellings, grammatical errors, etc., and may not be in compliance with the Army Writing Style Program.
D Co 1/109 INF Division
(e.g., Division/Branch/Office)
M4A2/M4 Carbine SOP
(Office File Symbol) SOP 1000
Effective Date 02/09/2014
1. PURPOSE: Is a brief statement that outlines the purpose of the SOP, which describes its function, its applicability, and its objective.
2. APPLICABILITY: Determines the SOP audience/distribution.
3. REFERENCES: Determines the regulation(s) that govern the procedure(s) performed.
3. RESPONSIBILITIES: A brief statement that explains personnel actions, if necessary.
4. PROCEDURES: The main contents of the body. Procedures are an orderly series of specific actions taken to carry out an assignment.
5. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: Any additional information needed to clarify procedures in the SOP, if necessary.
(Signature Block of Authorizing Authority)
Student Handout 4
Extracted Material from Sample Format for a SOP
This student handout contains one page of extracted material from the following publication: Sample Format for a SOP None Page SH-4-2 Disclaimer: The training developer developed this extracted material. The text may contain passive voice, misspellings, grammatical errors, etc., and may not be in compliance with the Army Writing Style Program.
M240B Machine Gun
Task Type: Individual
Proponent: INFANTRY
Task Data
Conditions: Given a
References: 4. Remove all ammunition and links from the weapon. Clear the weapon, ensure the chamber is empty and the safety is on "F" (fire). 071-025-0004 Reference: FM 3-22.68 Crew Served Machine Guns, 5.56mm and 7.62mm (21JUL2006)