To test absorption of isolated chloroplasts from spinach absorption readings were taken at a series of different wavelengths. Absorption Maxima of the isolated chloroplasts were observed at wavelengths of 440 and 680 with corresponding absorbance values of 0.792 and 0.589 were noted (Fig 1.). Absorption minima of the isolated chloroplasts was noted at a wavelength of 580 at an absorption of 0.291 (Fig 1.). This indicated that green light is reflected strongly by the spinach pigment. (Dansereau, 2013)
Figure 1- Absorption spectrum of isolated chloroplasts from spinach
. To test absorption of isolated chloroplasts from spinach when filters were added, filters were placed on cuvettes and time was taken in 3 minute intervals When there was no filter the absorption rose steadily throughout the twelve minutes as there was sufficient light passing through. The aluminum foil filter had very low absorption were values were as low as 0.015. The red filter had a steady increase and reached its highest point at twelve minutes and an absorption of 0.410 was noted (Fig 2). The green filter also had a steady increase in absorption throughout the twelve minutes reaching its maximum at minute twelve where an absorption reading of 0.364 was noted (Fig 2). The red filter had a steady increase in absorption and shared the same absorption value with the green filter at the nine minute mark. It reached its maxima at twelve minutes and an absorption value of 0.362 was noted (Fig 2). Blue, red and green filters had very similar absorptions throughout the experiment as shown in (Fig 2). (Dansereau, 2013)
Figure 2. Absorption of isolated chloroplasts from spinach using multiple color filters
Dansereau, D. 2013.Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab Manual, Saint Mary’s University, Lab 7.
References: Dansereau, D. 2013.Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab Manual, Saint Mary’s University, Lab 7.