Double spacing. Times new roman size 12 Chapter title (as in chapter one , two, three) in the center underlined.
Remember to put table of contents,
1.1 Background of the study
Respondents – (From your journals)
Sample –
Location –
DV – (Consider as Title too)
IV –
IV –
IV –
Before ending this part write the following paragraph
“Therefore, the purpose of this study aims to explore the TITLE among the respondents and the correlation IV IV IV and DV.”
1.2 Problem Identification
5 Research Specific Objectives
Each objective 5 paragraph with a research question at the end.
Research question you can make up from your objective.
For this part use your main reference journals
1.3 Research Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
To study the (TITLE), to specify the study of (RESPONDENTS) will be chosen as the subjects of this research.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1) To profile the Respondent’s characteristics among the “SAMPLE” in “LOCATION”
2) To investigate the “IV” among the “SAMPLE” in “LOCATION”
3) To determine the “IV” among the “SAMPLE” in “LOCATION”
4) To examine the “IV” among the “SAMPLE” in “LOCATION”
5) To identify the correlation between “DV” with selected variables, IV IV and IV
1.4 Hypothesis of the study
Type of analysis
There is no significant correlation between “IV1” and“DV”
Pearson Moment Correlation Test
There is no significant correlation between “IV2” and“DV”
Pearson Moment Correlation Test
There is no significant correlation between “IV3” and“DV”
Pearson Moment Correlation Test
1.5 Significant of the study
The importance of why this research needs to be conducted is as follows. The researcher hopes that this study will contribute to numerous benefits in terms of theoretical, management as well as academic perspectives.