Use the Times New Roman 12-point font for all text, footnotes, references, tables, captions and section headings.
1.2 Chapters and Headings
Chapters should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, into sub-sections.
Chapter titles should be 12 point, left-aligned and written in bold. All subtitles are 12 point, italics upper and lower case and are left-aligned. For example:
Heading A (chapter title) 12 pt, bold, two lines space above and one line space below.
Heading B (first order subtitles) 12 pt, italics, one line space above and one line space below. Heading C (second order subtitles) 12 pt, italics, one line space above, text on new line.
Heading D (third order subtitles) 12 pt italics, one line space above; period; run on text.
Numbering should be in Arabic numerals; no italics; no dot after the last number, except for level A headings. Leave one space after the number. The first letter of each word in a heading should be capitalized (except for prepositions, articles, conjunctions and the like), and there should be no full stop. If there is an introduction, it should be numbered 1.
Use only one space to separate sentences.
1.3 Margins, Spacing and Indentation
Use a 3 cm margin at the left and the right, and 2.5 cm at top and bottom. Headers and footers should be set at 2.25 cm from top and bottom respectively. The body of the dissertation is 1.5-line spaced. Reference lists are single-spaced with no extra