
Sarah Boseley Obesity

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Sarah Boseley Obesity
Obesity is a huge issue all around the world and it is something we see every day. Obesity and national health is something which is of big concern for our society. Our health affect our future and the unhealthier we are the more expensive for the society. But who is really to blame for the cause of obesity, ourselves or the society? The article “How Britain got so fat” by Sarah Boseley discuss the issue of obesity in Britain and whether or not society is to blame. The article is an edited extract from Sarah Boseley’s book “The shape we’re in” and was published the 21 June 2014 in the Guardian.
The main argument in the essay is to convince the public of the issue resolving obesity. Consider following example “Obesity is not something to gawp at, and it is not a problem just for other people. It affects most of us.” Through this quote we see her opinion which she throughout the entire essay revolves
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consider this example “… Lesley admits she fed with condensed milk as a baby, weaning her on to tinned potatoes and later filling her up with fried eggs and chips?” through your upbringing you learn your fundamental values and norms, you learn what you like and dislike. By feeding a baby unhealthy things it will get used to these amount of sugar and continuously seek it out as it become older. Thereby you form the status of a baby addict it to sugar and carbs”
The causes made form society is according to Sarah Boseley the food industry, the diet industry and the “corrupt” health organizations. Consider following quotations “overall evidence does not support the claims made that sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and hart disease” and “You can eat whatever you like, they insist -there is no such thing as bad food”. Hereby Sarah Boseley claim they are lying because the effect of sugar in other test have been deemed damaging. She wants society to take

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