Despite all things to the contrary, those with a less than satisfactory life tend not to vote. It is a reality of life that all of us have different kinds of life. Some of us are happy and some are not so happy with our lives. So how does that affect our likelihood to vote? The answer is rather surprising per the literature. Despite an expectation a lack of satisfaction in life may lead to a higher political participation, the literature says otherwise. Life satisfaction is modeled as a dependent variable that does not go with other factors. Income is deemed to be the one factor that weighs more on a satisfaction of a person. The person’s age, educational attainment, marital status and the person’s connectedness to the society were measured to determine the life satisfaction of the person. Those variables that are traditionally associated with higher rate of voting like income were found to be accurate in the study. When a person moves from being very unsatisfied with their lives to becoming very satisfied with their lives; (the two options in the extreme sides of the issue) then the likelihood of the person to vote increases by seven percentage points. When the outcome of the election is less certain, voting tends to increase for those with a less of life satisfaction as well. Regardless of their life satisfaction rate, extreme partisans on both sides of the political aisle tend to vote at a …show more content…
Unions generally support the Democratic Party as the party is pro-labor. Unions are credited by their supporters for standing up for workers and their rights. Unions mobilize voters to vote. Being a member of a union has a positive correlation to voting in presidential elections. Union members also tend to be great at other means of expressing their political views like protesting and attending rallies. Union members are also likely to be part of an association - political or otherwise, but particularly political. The relationship between education and union membership is negative. Union membership is determined by the educational and occupational choice of the individuals. Not all jobs are organized as a union. Unions mobilize voters; especially those voters that are sympathetic to the labor movement. Labor and the Democratic Party have a shared platform in terms of some of the policies both prefer to implement. Employers do not have a great relationship with unions as unions essentially work for employees so the employees could get higher wages and higher treatment in the workplace