These days, most teenagers learn about drugs from their friends who tell them how good consume pills and smoking some kind of heroin makes them feel good. But, the fact, the users don't tell about the bad effects from the chemicals they have consume to their body. Probably, some of the users don't know about the bad effects from consume drugs.When you buy some good in the street, make sure that you know how it was made and what substances those contained in that good. Nowadays, saying NO to drugs is the hardest thing you ever have to do.
Drugs become an easy escape from life troubles. Example, you can't concentrate in the exam because your girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you, and you failed the exam, you will feel worse then before. Then you start trying to escape from your troubles by consume drugs. Remember, drugs can make people who consume it addicted for his/her whole life. To stop consume drugs isn't easy. You have to realized first that drugs can destroy your life. That's mean you live in depression forever. Trying escape from your life problems to drugs is not a good way. There's many ways better than drugs.
People believe that saying NO to drugs same as saying no to people who offered you some drugs. And most people don't want to lose their friend just because rejected the offers of his/her friends. Maybe if you was offered by your friend to consume drugs, better you think the best reason how to reject it. Some example as saying no because you have to go to school, or church and you can also say that I have do what I have to do (anything).
In these case, parent should tell their children about drugs, mainly the bad effects of drugs. Maybe some of the parents think that they have to take care their children until 14 to 17 years old. The facts, the parents have to look after their children wherever and whenever they can do. It's important to tell the children where are right, where are wrong. Then, parents have to pay attention, with who