One of my scaffolding experience is when I'm getting started on my assessments for university. When there is too much information and it complicates what is required for the task, I try to break the information down into small sections. For example, with my recent essay that I had to complete, the question …show more content…
According to Davey (2014), ZPD is the distance between a student's capability to achieve a task under educator's supervision and the student's capability to solve the problem independently (para. 4). According to Vygotsky, children's learning appeared in this zone (Davey, 2014). Knestrick (2012) stated that ZPD is designed by Vygotsky, that in order for children to learn effectively, teaching and training should focus on abilities and knowledge that are achievable for children (para. 4). Student's learn continues to develop when scaffolding is applied (Knestrick, 2012).
An effective example of ZPD Winkler (n.d.) stated that firstly an educator should identify what the child already knows, then build on their knowledge through scaffolding; scaffold will help the child move his/her knowledge from what they know to what they should know (para. 4). Teachers should put together guided practice when planning a lesson to outline the scaffolding process (Winkler, n.d., para. 4). Lastly, the teacher should help children connect their new learning to the existing knowledge, for instance, if a math teacher has just taught children how addition can be done, then the teacher can relate the idea back to subtracting (Winkler, n.d. para.