“Schindler’s List” is a film directed by Steven Spielberg which is based on the novel “Schindler’s Ark” by Thomas Kennedy. It is set during the Second World War when Hitler was in charge. Jews, gypsies and black people were seen as untermenschen (sub-human) and were sent to concentration camps to be killed. “Schindler’s List” is a didactic film about Oskar Schindler who employed Jewish people so that he could make money, as they would do the job for little pay, but later in the film he has an epiphany, which changes everything, including the viewers opinion of him. They see him as more admirable towards the end of the film. Schindler’s metamorphosis from a cold man to one of compassion takes place over a few scenes. Steven Spielberg uses music, lighting, colour, and camera angles to show the change in Oskar Schindler throughout the movie.
Oskar …show more content…
A hand held camera and the jerky movement places the audience in the grave with Schindler and the dead bodies. We hear non-diagetic, operatic music in the background; this creates tension and builds suspense. We see a close up of one of the Nazi soldier’s face, which shows insanity which adds to the chaos. There is a long shot of Schindler and behind him, we can see the scale of it all. The camera also pans around the landscape emphasising the number of dead Jews. This is hell complete with fire. We then see the girl in the red coat but this time, she is dead. The close up of Schindler’s face when he sees her again contrasts his face when he first saw her. The extreme close up of Oskar Schindler’s face shows shock, horror and disgust as we see the little girl again. This is when Schindler’s epiphany is complete. All material things no longer matter to him as the little girl symbolises life and how important it is. He now realises that his exploitation of the Jewish people was wrong and now wants to try and help these human