By: Kelsey Morales
Throughout high school I’ve always wondered whats gunna happen when I graduate.
Since I was a freshmen I dreamed about the person I wanted to be as a senior, and what I wanted to do. I’ve learned a lot these past four years that have made me who I am today. I’ve always tried my hardest to be the best person I can be. To learn as I grow, and become a better person everyday is what I’ve been focusing on.
I think there have been a lot of different opportunities both in school and out, that have built my leadership, and the person I am. I’m involved in cheerleading, both football and basketball. As a freshmen I went into it being so scared and frightened. I think I was looked at more as a follower rather than a leader which is expected as a freshmen. As I grew, I started to pop out of my shell a bit more, and began really understanding who I was meant to be as a cheerleader. By my junior year I had become a captain and a leader. I remember the feeling when my coaches said my name. I felt so extremely happy and proud. I had worked so hard, and it finally paid off. The roll of captain is basically to help anyone who needed extra help and to be a good role model for everyone else on the squad. Being exactly that is what I strived for. As a senior I’m a captain for both squads. I can’t say that I’m the perfect captain, because nobody is perfect, but I can say this. I have worked extremely hard to be where I’m at with this. I’ve wanted to make people feel welcome and comfortable when going into this. I remember as a freshmen the seniors treated me with respect, and even though I was shy and quiet I felt very welcomed and thats exactly how I wanted to make the underclassmen feel when I became a senior.
I’m also involved in different groups around my school. One of the groups, Wolverine
Pals, teaches us a lot about character and responsibility as a junior or senior. One of the