1. Scholarship Program: DST Women Scientists Fellowship Scheme
Employer: DST
Level of Study: Research Fellowship
Brief Scholarship Description: The Fellowship Scheme for Women Scientists for societal programmes is initiative of the Department of Science & Technology. This scheme is addressed to women scientists and technologists who have “break in their careers” due to social responsibilities but have desire to return to mainstream science and work as bench-level scientists. All those women having a burning desire to utilize their scientific acumen through active research and development projects which are aimed at meeting societal needs and aspirations are eligible. Women scientists desiring to apply for this scheme are required to develop their own research project / proposals demonstrating science and technological applications for societal benefits.
Scholarship Website: http://www.dstwosbari.org/
2. Scholarship Program: L’Oréal India For Young Women in Science Scholarship Programme
Employer: L’Oréal India
Level of Study: Research
Brief Scholarship