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Read the directions carefully. Note that the exam is worth a maximum of 15 points (15% of your course grade). Some items are required, and some offer choices of which ones to complete. Responses must be in your own words (no copied content or quotations allowed) in the cells provided; the cells will expand downward as you type. You do not need to cite sources for this test, especially because no copied content is permitted. Be advised that any copied content will not earn points. Please leave the two right-hand scoring columns alone; the instructor will complete those during grading.
NOTE: As your answers grow longer, the next item may scroll off the page. Make certain to continue until you reach the clearly marked “End of Exam” box.
Describe the hydrologic cycle in detail. How does the hydrologic cycle help make oceans more acidic? What role does pH play in the health of ocean ecosystems?
Your Response to Q1: The bodies of water on Earth through evaporation enter the atmosphere. Vaporization also happens when plants and animals add water through transpiration. Water vapors gather in the atmosphere creating clouds with condensation. This is when precipitation forms and falls to Earth. After it falls to Earth and gathers back in the ground and bodies of water, the cycle begins again. As all Earth's cycle coincide, heavy amounts C02 are evaporated into the atmosphere due to a tremendous amount of industrial plants. Once evaporated the CO2 is absorbed into condensation and released as precipitation (or what we call acid rain). This is a form of pollution and is not helping the oceans in anyway. This is lowering the levels of pH in the ocean. pH plays a significant role in the oceans ecosystem, in the case of a rapid change in pH levels aquatic life can become stressed or die. Meaning aquatic life is unable to adjust to