Everything we use or do is somehow scientific related. Second I would make the class fun and interesting so all the students can have good time learning and understanding science and new things. I would let the students do science projects and experiences to help them expand their learning in things that they want to learn more about. Giving them this option will help them like science in the way they want to like science and make their own understandings as well. As a teacher I want to make sure that all the students understand most of what is going on in class before moving on to the next subject. I would also show videos and make them learn about scientists, to make sure that they understand that not all scientists are crazy and males. Finally I would let the students explore to get their own understanding of science through the great outdoors and take them on fieldtrips to the park and much more. Katee attitude on science is not the best. I think the reasoning behind that is because she does not get to experiment with science and see what actually happens. She has a hard time staying interested in class because she has a misunderstanding of what the teacher is lecturing and what the students are reading. I feel that if she had fun things to do and learn about that she would be more engaged in learning about science and everything around
Everything we use or do is somehow scientific related. Second I would make the class fun and interesting so all the students can have good time learning and understanding science and new things. I would let the students do science projects and experiences to help them expand their learning in things that they want to learn more about. Giving them this option will help them like science in the way they want to like science and make their own understandings as well. As a teacher I want to make sure that all the students understand most of what is going on in class before moving on to the next subject. I would also show videos and make them learn about scientists, to make sure that they understand that not all scientists are crazy and males. Finally I would let the students explore to get their own understanding of science through the great outdoors and take them on fieldtrips to the park and much more. Katee attitude on science is not the best. I think the reasoning behind that is because she does not get to experiment with science and see what actually happens. She has a hard time staying interested in class because she has a misunderstanding of what the teacher is lecturing and what the students are reading. I feel that if she had fun things to do and learn about that she would be more engaged in learning about science and everything around