The title of our project was Bilimbi fruit as an alternative stain remover. The purpose of this experiment was to find out if Bilimbi can remove stains from our clothes. We all know that teenagers today are very eligible especially in wearing dress. We conduct this kind of study to be able to have another background study about natural bleaching agent and to build natural product that is a solution for a stains The procedure involved was to apply the extract of Bilimbi to the clothes were the stains are located. The Bilimbi was divided into two pieces and brush it to the clothes were the stains are there. There are 3 trials in the experiment. The experiment was observed for 10 minutes. The result of the experiment was recorded on different types of stains. We repeated these steps for 3 types of stains. The result of these data resolves that Bilimbi can remove stains like sauce and rust but it cannot remove through an ink of a ball pen. Our experiment also concludes that the Bilimbi can remove stains but some can’t. In conclusion the Bilimbi can remove stains more in sauce. The Bilimbi fruit juice has a high concentration of oxalic acid which is useful for cleaning and bleaching.
The researchers wish to extend their sincerest appreciation to the following people who helped make this research. They are the people who helped and contributed much for the success of this endeavor.
To God , for his gift of wisdom and understanding to the researchers and for answering their prayers in their times of need.
To their Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Emma V. Raniel for teaching them the fundamental of research and investigatory writing and for showing a great deal of patience through at times they tend to be naughty.
To their parents and family members, for the unending love and support that they gave to the researchers.
To the observer/respondents, for their integrity and cooperation.
And lastly, to all those who were a part of this work, the