Write an opinion on Fisher v. Texas (Affirmative Action). The opinion must contain the following information:
Why was Affirmative Action created?
Provide a brief summary of the case.
Why is this case important? What historical significance does this decision hold?
Which side do you agree with? Why?
Why might a Supreme Court Justice disagree with you?
How would society be affected if your opinion was supported by a majority in the Supreme Court?
How would society be affected if your opinion was supported by a minority in the Supreme Court?
Affirmative Action is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination. Affirmative Action was first referenced by John F. Kennedy in Executive Order 10925 which was put in to create equal employment rights for all qualified persons. The whole point of the executive order was to make hiring a person be on their skills and not their skin color, nationality, gender, or religion.
In my opinion using a quota of having to have this many of one group of people isn’t what affirmative action was created for. It was created so that minorities would lose out on an opportunity because of something they had no control over. People should get into a school or get a job based off their credentials and nothing else. The person qualified for the job should get the job and race shouldn’t matter. You could have hired only those known as minorities and that would be okay as long as their skill set is better than the other candidate’s resumes.