Planning begins with skilful and purposeful observation of children, and this enables staff to draw conclusions and plan next steps. Child/young people centred assessment and planning are a good way of making sure that the setting provided is giving the child/young person attending the best possible chance to develop at their own rate. Planning is only effective when staff take account of children’s needs, dispositions, interests and stages of development. Flexible planning that assists staff to be responsive ensures that potentially rich and meaningful learning opportunities, which have not been planned, are also recognised and maximised.
Building in time to ensure that colleagues share observations as they talk, plan and reflect together is also central to ensuring that provision for children is consistent, appropriate, caring and motivating.
1.2 Explain how to identify the needs of children and young people
Assessing children in terms of their progress and needs is an on-going process and is integral to planning, observation and implementation. By using this information effectively, staff, parents and children, where appropriate, can create and maintain plans which help to provide a focused and individualised approach. When making observations, staff can avoid being judgemental or biased in their interpretations by constantly checking that they are documenting an accurate picture of what they actually see. This record therefore should reflect, for example, the child’s actual behaviour or responses rather than one which is influenced by staff assumptions or preconceived ideas and knowing when and how to share observations appropriately.
1.3 Explain the importance of working with others to assess the needs of children and young people to inform planning
It is important to work with others to assess the needs of child/young person; in a way that if all parties are working in unison